DMSL puts its expertise at the service of its customers in most of the Caribbean islands. It specializes in hoisting in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Saint Barthélemy, but also in handling and exceptional convoys.
the go-to group in the Caribbean!
Created in 2006 by David Moutoussamy, DMSL has established itself in the Caribbean and currently has 55 employees specializing in hoisting in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Saint Barthelemy.
With extensive experience by means of its highly qualified staff and the most efficient equipment, DMSL supports professionals and individuals by placing customer satisfaction at the heart of its priorities.
In a context of energy transition, DMSL has affirmed its vision and is focussing on all wind and photovoltaic work sites as well as the modernisation and assembly of renewable energy plants.
Specialised in large-scale construction projects and MASE (Company Safety Improvement Manual) certified, our companies have developed a successful organisation system owing to their design office to guarantee their customers quality, safety and reliability at the best price, based on trust.
DMSL guarantees a secure process in order to carry out the lifting tasks entrusted to us in hoisting in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Saint Barthelemy.
DMSL is committed to working in a way that generates the lowest possible environmental impact possible in order to protect our planet.
We ensure the quality of our services as part of an ongoing drive for improvement in terms of safety, health and environmental performance.